I will be frank with you. There are a whole bunch of things that determine your credit score. One big problem with improving credit scores is when credit repair people promise that they can raise everyone’s credit scores 100 to 150 points in 30 to 90 days. Since there are so many things that can determine credit scores, a person should not expect to get their scores increased so much in a short period of time.
In my book Start Fixing Your Credit Now! I not only list all of these variables that will determine your credit scores but I also explain why the process of increasing your credit scores can take a few months or more than a year. If you need to raise your credit scores, here are a couple of things you can consider.
The first thing you can do it to get your copy of Start Fixing Your Credit Now at www.tiredofbillcollectors.com. If you are having issues with your credit and think that you may need some one-on-one assistance, you can e-mail me at [email protected] or call me at 313-744-5977.