This tip has been passed down for generations. Every year millions of people start utilizing this one. Somewhere in the middle of this process most people quit. This tip has been and continues to be given by thousands of financial planners, parents and friends. This tip is to keep track of all spending for 30 to 60 days. This is a tip that anyone can do. Because people become so accustomed to doing what they want and when they want, most of them will stop half way in this process.
If you have tried to fulfil this simple tip and failed, don’t be dismayed. You are not the first and you will not be the last. Why is something so easy to start so hard to complete? One reason is that doing this seems to be so immature. People feel like they are being treated like little children.
Regardless if a person makes $40,000, $80,000, $120,000 a year, etc. they reject this tip because they think it makes them look like they can’t handle their finances. If this is you, read the book Secret Budgeting Tips Revealed! You will get a lot of information on how to put together a great budget. If you still think you need an expert to assist you call me at 313-744-5977 or e-mail me at [email protected]. If you want some other free information on how to put your finances in order call or write now.