You have three collection firms calling you about charged-off credit cards. Although you know that telling your children to say that you are not at home is not the way to go, you do it anyway because you are trying to buy some time. Because you are stubborn and frustrated, you write a hardship letter that is full of mistakes. Two months later when you are planning to buy your daughter that television she has been bugging you about for a long time, you are shocked when you find out your check has been garnished. You feel like an idiot.
If you need to write a hardship letter that covers all the do’s and don’ts, I can help you. You can do two things. You can go to the products section and download your copy of How to Write An Excellent Hardship Letter. You can call 1-313-744-5977 or send an e-mail to [email protected] for help. Don’t forget to ask how you can receive your complete set of financial recovery e-books for free.