Questions You Should ask Credit Repairers (Part 3) - Tired Of Bill Collectors Questions You Should ask Credit Repairers (Part 3) - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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Questions You Should ask Credit Repairers (Part 3)

Can you get correct information deleted from a people’s credit report? This one question has caused all kinds of mistrust about the credit repair industry. Allow me to explain. You have three charged off credit cards on your credit reports. A credit repairer tells you that she can gets these deleted from your credit reports if the creditors cannot produce an application or promissory note that you opened the accounts.

Now here is where the morality and truthfulness come into play. You have cancelled checks and banking statements proving you bought all the stuff like furniture, car repairs and that new dishwasher that you benefit from every day. The credit reporting laws were set up to cover legitimate cases in which things are being wrongfully reported on a person’s credit reports. They were not set up for people to be able to get things deleted from their credit reports that are being correctly reported.

At Collection & Credit Solutions, if a client knows they opened a delinquent account, we will only attempt to get the account deleted from their credit report if we negotiate a deletion based on a settlement or payment in full. If you want to try to get accounts you opened, illegally deleted, you should find someone else to help you. To get accounts legally deleted, call 1-313-744-5977 or e-mail [email protected]. Don’t forget to ask how you can get your set of complimentary e-books to help you in your quest for financial freedom.