How much do you charge? Prices can range from extremely low to ridiculously high. Prices can range from $39.95 to $89.99 a month for a year or two or $25 for every letter sent out. This is one reason why many people think credit repairers are a bunch of crooks. The nickels and dimes can quickly turn into hundreds of dollars. If you go on the Internet, you may see ads like, get your credit repaired from $39.95 or get your credit repaired starting at $59.95. If you are in a financial bind, you may only concentrate on the $39.95.
On the other hand, if you are desperately trying to get a house or a car with a low interest rate, you may fall for the following ad. We can get your credit fixed in 30-90 days. Our special program will only cost $800 to $1000. With ads like that, can you blame people for thinking that the credit repair industry is not a reputable one?
When you find out the $39.95 ad only used the words start and from as lures to get you to pay up to $1000, you might get ticked off and try to find someone else to help you or try to fix your credit yourself. If you pay $800 to $1000 because you believe that you had no choice, you are undone when you discover that very little was done.
If you want an excellent price for credit repair and much more, click on the service tab. Are you serious about changing your financial situation? If so, call 313-744-5977 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Don’t forget to ask how you can receive your set of financial recovery books for free.