Although you may not be able to pay your credit cards, your mortgage and your car note on the due dates since your income has decreased, try to pay them as close to the due date that you can. Do not get cavalier by waiting up until 29 days to pay to avoid a late fee. If you start doing that, you chances of paying over 30 days late only multiply.
Get yourself a notebook or use a word document to track your spending. Make sure you write down the due dates and when you actually make your payments. Only pay a fee for Money Gram, Western Union or phone payments if absolutely necessary. Paying this way could cost you an additional $8 to $15 for each payment.
You should only use the previous options to avoid a 30, 60, 90 day late payment etc. If you are routinely paying your bills by some of the previous methods, you could end up spending up to $100 in fees each month. That’s enough for now. Next time we want to go over the negative effects that a judgment can have on your credit. If you would like to also know how you can get seven financial recovery books for free, call 313-744-5977 or send an e-mail to [email protected].