Positive and Negative Effects of Credit Reporting - Tired Of Bill Collectors Positive and Negative Effects of Credit Reporting - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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Positive and Negative Effects of Credit Reporting

Whether or not you like the fact that credit reporting can have negative and positive effects upon your life, you still have to deal with them. Even people that have a lot of money stashed away and can be classified as being rich, still need to be extended some form of credit. Let’s talk a little about the importance of credit reporting.

Contrary to most people’s beliefs, creditors are not required by law to report to the credit bureaus. There are many smaller creditors that do not report. Some of those that don’t report to the bureaus are independent doctor and dental offices, independent landlords, many utility companies and accounts under $100.

Credit reporting can be one of your biggest assets if you have good or excellent credit. It can be like a ball and chain if your credit is bad. In today’s world of credit reporting, it is important that you look at your credit reports at least once a year. Because of similar names, inquiries and common addresses, there could be errors on your reports. If you would like to have me review and explain your credit reports with you, call me at 313-744-5977 or e-mail me at [email protected].