When I was in the collection industry, I hated to have to deal with what we called the 2% people. These were people that did not jump to conclusions when they had accounts in collections. Many of them also struggled to pay accounts on time that were not in collections. They may have also had a lot of medical bills on their credit reports. They analyzed what they should do before they made any payments. If half the debtors did the same things as the 2% people do, the collection industry would lose out on collecting on millions of dollars each year.
If you can relate to what I have just gone over and want to know the twenty things you need to consider before you start paying down debt, the e-book My Credit is Bad! I am Ready to Fix it Now! (Revolutionary Credit Repair) is the book for you. If you are tired of just haphazardly paying on debt without keeping these factors in mind, you may lower your credit scores and end up getting sued, having judgments place on you and getting garnished. To make sure you do not become a victim of not knowing what to do, you can get started by clicking on the products tab.