Who Needs a Budget? - Tired Of Bill Collectors Who Needs a Budget? - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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Who Needs a Budget?

There are a lot of misconceptions about who needs to do a budget. Millions of people believe that if a person has a lot of money they do not need to budget. If that were the case, why do we have examples of movie stars, singers and athletes that make a lot of money but can’t live within their means? That’s because they do not have proper budgets in place.

There is also a myth that if a person or family has a six figure income, they don’t need to budget their money. Here is a very simple guideline about budgeting. If you do not have guaranteed income that can outlive your current and future expenses, you need to do a budget. That simple explanation would mean that most millionaires would still need to budget their money.

In my book Secret Budgeting Tips Reveled! I go over the various types of people that need to budget. A lot of people don’t want to deal with budgeting because they are afraid of what they may discover. Do you need help putting a budget together? Do you have questions about budgeting that you need answered? Call 313-744-5977 or e-mail me at gethelpnow@tiredofbillcollectors.com if you need help. If you need other financial help, call or write to see how you can get some more free information.