Everyone needs to have a few dollars for a rainy day. Saving 5% of your weekly pay can leave you with a nice little return after a year. Now you’re either like 5% that’s not a lot… or 5% WHOOOAAA hold your horses money bags!
5% of your pay may seem like a lot but it’s really not. Look at it like this:
If you make $300 per week,. it’s just $3.75 a week. Now multiply that by 4, what did you get? $15 a month! After a year of saving in this stress free manner will have $180. You can even give yourself a 25% reward for completing the task… Cha-ching… $45. You still have $135 left.
I know that was bunch of numbers right?? Haha, It’s a blog, look at it as many times as you like, bookmark it!