A good credit repairer will definitely do more than write a few dispute letters in hopes that a creditor, collection firm or credit bureau will get scared and delete their client’s account from the credit bureaus. As I said in the last blog, this is a big reason why many people thing that most credit repairers are crooks.
One thing a good credit repairer will try to do is to repair and restore a person’s credit. For simplicity purposes, repairing a person’s credit involves getting things like late fees removed and accounts deleted. Restoring a person’s credit deals with applying up to two dozen strategies to help a person maintain good credit in the future.
A good credit repairer will be able to write a professional hardship letter that will help his/her client get a good payment arrangement with a collection firm, talk to creditors of their behalf and also do a budget for his clients. Many credit repairers stop short of doing these things.
So if you want a full service credit repairer that will do the things we discussed and much more for you for a whole year of service, I can be reached at my e-mail address of [email protected] or my phone at 313-744-5977.