One of the biggest excuses that people have for not doing credit repair is that they do not have enough time. In my opinion, many people that use this excuse are just lazy people. Every year there is a new set of people that get so overwhelmed with their credit problems that they use the time excuse for not doing anything to get their credit in order.
Another excuse for not doing credit repair is that it is too hard. People justify this by saying that since the three major credit bureaus have different things on their reports, it is too hard to fix their credit. In the old days (prior to the 90’s) there may have been some truth to this statement. That is not true today.
If you are tired of using excuses, alibi’s and other things to justify why you cannot fix your credit, then do the following. Get your copy of Start Fixing Your Credit Now! at If you need some help in putting your credit back together, you can e-mail me at [email protected] or give me a call at 313-744-5977.