A couple making a healthy six figure income, have ten credit cards with credit limits from $2,000 to $10,000. They have expensive taste. Because they are never late in making their payments each month, they are under the impression that their credit scores should be in the top 5%. They make the mistake that if they pay on time each month everything will be okay.
They don’t realize that the amount of money owed can make up 30% of their credit score. Although they had $80,000 of credit, they have used $55,000 of their available credit. They use their cards to expand their elaborate live styles. One day their eyes are open to another truth about credit card scoring.
Once this couple discovers that the credit scoring system will increase their scores when they get their balances below 20% of their credit limits, they start to think and act differently. After six months of consistent payments to lower their outstanding balances, their credit scores start to rise. If you are in this situation and want some help call 313-744-5977 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Ask how you can get your free copy of Start Fixing Your Credit Now!