Is Credit Repair Enough? - Tired Of Bill Collectors Is Credit Repair Enough? - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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Is Credit Repair Enough?


When most people are considering paying someone to help them repair their credit, some of the following thoughts come to mind. How much is this going to cost me? How long will this take? Is this person or company qualified to do the work? Exactly what will be done?

These are very good thoughts. Let’s go over them. The average cost for credit repair is $300 to $500 a person. It could take up to eighteen months to fix your credit. Is the person or company doing the credit repair just sending out template letters for their clients?

Most people that have bad credit also have other issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately the average credit repairer either does not care about these problems or does not take the time to know that they exist. Some of the problems I am referring to are income and expense issues, spending and saving and budgeting problems.

If these issues are not properly addressed, you will likely experience problems again. At Collection & Credit Solutions, LLC, we recognize that if all these issues are not dealt with, credit repair can be a waste of time. If you want your credit fixed and are ready to deal with all the issues that have caused you to have bad credit, call 313-744-5977 or e-mail Charles at [email protected].