Brief History Of Credit Repair - Tired Of Bill Collectors Brief History Of Credit Repair - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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Brief History Of Credit Repair


Credit repair really started to become a standard part of our economy back in the 70’s. Because the beginning of credit repair started out wrong, there are still millions of people that think the credit repair industry still only functions the way it did in its humble beginnings. Let me tell you the truth.

In the beginning, most of the credit repairers were simply letter writers. By this I mean that all they did was write fake letters disputing accounts that they knew were legitimate. The cost for this service was usually $200 to $300. When this strategy did not work, most of the time people got two impressions of the credit repair industry.

  • Most of the credit repairers did not know what they were doing
  • The cost of credit repair cost too much money for the shoddy results that followed

Unfortunately there are still too many so called credit repairers today that still only send out letters as their method of credit repair. Because of this, every other month I encounter someone that says that all credit repairers do is to write a bunch of letters for their clients. I am here to tell you that credit repair is much more than writing a bunch of letters.

If you want someone to help you to do credit repair, I can help you. I can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] or my phone at 313-744-5977. In my next blog, I will give you some thoughts on what a good credit repairer should do for you.