Do you want a new attitude about accounts you have in collections? Take a seat. You are about to get some information about collection accounts that a bill collector will never reveal to you. You might be asking yourself why is that? If bill collectors routinely gave out this information to you, they could be cutting the amount of money they collect in half.
Let’s go over an example that will help you to understand what I am saying. Let’s say you have four charged-off credit cards in collections for $450, $700, $950 & $300. Did you know that depending upon the state you live in and the state those collection agencies are in can have a huge difference in whether you decide to pay on those accounts?
Let’s say you live in the State of Michigan. The collection agencies calling and mailing you letters are in Illinois, Tennessee, California and Texas. For them to sue you, they need to get a debt collection firm in Michigan to represent them. Even though the amounts you owe are over the unofficial amount of ($250) to sue, you will not be sued on any of these accounts unless they are transferred to collection agencies in the state you live in. If you didn’t know about the information I just talked about, you might pay off these bills for some of the following reasons.
1. You are afraid you will be garnished. A creditor may or may not have a judgment against you.
2. You want to start cleaning up your credit quickly.
3. You are afraid these accounts are on your credit reports.
4. You are tired of your spouse harassing you about collection letters.
If you paid off your accounts for those reasons without taking into consideration all the things you need to consider before paying on collection debts, you could be unknowingly slowing down the process of improving your credit score. If you want to be sure you get all the information you need before you pay on your accounts, click on the products button and get your copy of My Credit is Bad, I Want to Fix It Now. (Revolutionary Credit Repair). When you order your copy, you will also be able to get your free copy of Set of 50 Sample Collection & Credit Letters. Don’t procrastinate. If you are serious about putting your credit back together, don’t delay, start the process of getting it done now.