How To Analyze Credit Reports - Tired Of Bill Collectors How To Analyze Credit Reports - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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How To Analyze Credit Reports


Every other month, someone says something like the following to me. I don’t need anyone to look at my credit reports, I know what to look for. When I start to ask them some simple questions about their credit reports, they tell me a lot of things that let me know that they were just talking loud but saying nothing.

Each year, millions of Americans think that only delinquent payments cause them to have bad credit. If they do not have a lot of delinquencies but still have credit scores that are lower, they get upset and think that the credit bureaus are just doing them wrong. Let me give you an example.

I will give you just one of over 20 examples of how to analyze your credit reports. If you have four credit cards that you have never been late on but you have charged up to 80% of your credit limit on all of them, your credit scores can be lower than a person that has had some delinquencies. I tell people that since understanding credit reports involves so many variables that they should not get hung up on just one aspect of credit scoring.

If you want your credit reports analyzed the right way, I can help you. If you would like for me to help you with your unique situation, you can reach me by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 313-744-5977. If you are tired of wondering about how to analyze your credit reports, this is your opportunity to do something about it.