People that believe they are under the gun to get their credit fixed overnight may fall prey to credit repair scams. One of them is getting a new social security number. Before you jump up and do some things that may be illegal and cost you a lot of money, you need to think about what you are doing. If you get caught in a credit repair scam, you could end up being fined, paying attorney fees and end up doing some jail time.
Don’t forget this one fact. In most cases your credit did not get bad overnight. To fix your credit it is going to take some consistent change in the way you have done things financially. Depending upon the creditors you are doing business with, a change in payment history could be six, nine or twelve months. If you are trying to get that car you have been drooling over or that dream house that you have been thinking about, take your time. You don’t want to do things that will make your life worse. To get a list of the credit repair scams and how you can avoid other popular scams on the market, click on the product tab.