Have you heard those advertisements and commercials on the radio and television from debt settlement companies about how credit card companies are tricking you when they tell you they will not settle an account for you? Well I have news for you. There is no law stating that a credit card company must settle an account.
Here is another trick debt settlement company try to put over on people. They give the impression that only they can get all credit card company or other creditors to settle accounts for pennies on a dollar. That is a BOLD-FACE LIE. It makes you wonder how these types of companies can get away with making statements that trick people into using their services.
Before you go into more debt by paying someone else to settle accounts that you can do yourself, you need to know the ends and outs of debt settlement. If you want to know if settling accounts will help or hurt you financially, get your copy of My Credit is Bad! I Want to Fix It Now! (Revolutionary Credit Repair). We are all ignorant about many different matters. If you don’t want to be ignorant about the debt settlement process, this is a great opportunity to do something about it.