Credit card insurers have the numbers on their side. They know that most of their customers will pay their bills on time and in full each month. They know that they will not make a lot of money off them as it relates to monthly, quarterly and yearly fees. They also know that the majority of their customers will not charge more than 20%nof their credit limits. Here are some simple things you can do to manage your credit cards.
- Don’t charge more than 20% of your credit limit
- Pay each card off each month
- Only get 3-6 credit cards
- Get credit limit of at least $1,000
- Obtain 1-3 retail accounts (K-Mart, Home Depot, etc.)
- Do whatever you can to make sure you are not 30 or more days late
If you would like more information about credit, you cn do two things. You can go to the products section and order your copy of Start Fixing Your Credit Now! If you believe that you need to get some one on one attention regarding your credit, you can call 313-744-5977 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. If you would like to know how you can get six other financial recovery e-books for free ask for details.