When many people get a letter from a debt collection law office, here are some of the thoughts that come to their mind. I am about to be sued on my account. I will be garnished. My credit is really messed up now. This is what law firms want people to think. This is a legal scare tactic.
Depending upon how large a firm is, they may have one to over a dozen lawyers on the payroll. Now hear is a catch. Just because they have lawyers on staff, it does not mean that all debtors will be sued. These firms are good at working with the numbers. They know that they will only go to court for up to 20% of the firm’s delinquent accounts.
People don’t realize that there are many variables that have to be taken into consideration before a person is sued. Whether you are talking to an attorney or a bill collector, if you do not understand the collection process, you will be constantly behind the eight ball. Do you have one or more accounts at a debt collection law office? If you want to be sure you are not getting a bad deal from a debt collection law office, give me a call at 313-744-5977 or e-mail me at [email protected].