Are You Qualified but Not Qualified? - Tired Of Bill Collectors Are You Qualified but Not Qualified? - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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Are You Qualified but Not Qualified?


When I was a Collection Supervisor at a bank, one of my duties was to interview and hire bill collectors. Although human resources told me that no matter how qualified a person was, if they had bad credit, we would not hire them. I had to personally tell over a dozen candidates that because they had bad credit, we could not hire them. I also turned away a few dozen more people over the phone that said they had bad credit.

Is this a problem you are having? You may be able to get a job but you may not be able to get that special job that requires you have good credit. You are in a fix. What do you do? Do you continue to work a lower paying job and don’t fix your credit? Do you continue trying to get that higher paying job that you know you will not get? Do you realize that you need to fix your credit but don’t do anything about it.

If this is you, why not do something about it. If you want to be qualifications both ways, call 313-744-5977 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Don’t forget to ask how you can get your free copy of the e-book Secret Budgeting Tips Revealed!