Is your credit shot? Are you losing sleep over collection calls and letters? Are you tired of having more expenses than income at the end of each month? Your financial life looks bleak. What do you do? You go on the Internet and are thrilled to hear you can get your credit score up by 100-150 points in the blink of an eye.
To make matters worse, you pay a company $350 to $1,000 only to find out that they put you on an automated computerized letter writing program that is making matters worse for you. Out of frustration, you either put your head in the sand or continue to avoid your creditors or bill collectors. There has got to be a better way.
At Collection & Credit Solutions, LLC, we understand bad credit can be the result of many things. 1. Not understanding how the credit scoring system works. 2. Not being able to properly analyze credit reports. 3. Not getting to the root of debt problems. 4. Not knowing how to properly navigate the collection and legal systems. 5. Not understanding the importance of budgeting. We coordinate all of these things and more to assure that people will not continue to have credit problems.
If you are tired of that cold sweat experience and want to have more money than bills at the end of the month call 313-744-5977or e-mail us at [email protected]. If you are ready to make your bad credit a thing of the past, ask how you can receive a 10% discount as well as getting your set of financial recovery books valued at $75 for free.