Is Credit Repair the Same as Credit Restoration? - Tired Of Bill Collectors Is Credit Repair the Same as Credit Restoration? - Tired Of Bill Collectors
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Is Credit Repair the Same as Credit Restoration?

When I ask people this question, I usually get the following responses. I guess they are. The other response is: They sound like the same thing to me. This is the same mistake that many people that call themselves credit repairers make. They only concentrate on negatives items such as late payments, charge offs and judgments.

Simply put, credit repair is looking at all the negatives things on a person’s credit report and determining the negative effects they are having. Credit restoration is dealing with things like credit limits, amount of credit used and amounts of credit a person has. If both of these issues are not properly dealt with, it will take a longer time for people to get their credit swagger back.

If you want to make sure that you have someone to work with you that understands the positive and negative effects of credit repair and credit restoration, call 313-744-5977 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. To make sure, you are getting all the help you need, don’t forget to ask how you get other free e-books on how to put your finances in order.