If you have received e-mails about credit repair or have randomly looked for information regarding credit repair on the Internet, you probably have come across individuals or companies proclaiming that you can get your credit repaired in 30 to 90 days. Let me make something clear. In all industries, you will have a small percentage of people that make promises that cannot be kept. The same thing happens in the credit repair industry.
Think about this. Unless they are crooks, the majority of people do not get bad credit overnight. Because it may take three, six or nine months before a creditor charges off an account or sends an account to collections, it takes a considerable amount of time before a person’s credit gets bad. There is another thing that needs to be taken into consideration.
One person can have ten excellent accounts reporting on her credit report and have her credit scores drastically lowered because she is behind on her car and mortgage payments. Another woman that is always current on her mortgage and car notes but is behind on three credit cards may have a lower or higher credit score. Because there are over a couple dozen things that have to be looked at when it comes to credit, there is no way that a credible credit repairer can promise to repair everyone’s credit in 30 to 90 days.
If you would like assistance in repairing your credit, I would suggest that you do a couple of simple things. The first thing you can do is to call me at 313-744-5977 or e-mail me at [email protected] for assistance. If you let me assist you, I will also give to you a copy of my e-book, Start Fixing Your Credit Now. The next thing you should do is to determine what has caused you to get bad credit and then determine what you will need to do to repair your credit.